On our shuttle bus to the airport

The next day in Bellefonte, PA - holiday train ride with the Uchneats

Santa's on board!

And Frosty

The kids at Old Main - Penn State

And at the Lion Shrine

And hanging with JoePa!

Zip line fun!

At the PSU Men's Basketball game - Matthew getting a hug from the Lion

Jack was okay with a High Five

On our way to Massachusetts to Granny's house

Nothing like a walk in the woods - Josie

Ron & Jack

The cousins having lunch together!

~Christmas Eve dinner with the Family~

Christmas Morning - Present Time

Christmas Day Dinner at Mark and Becky's - Jack can't wait for the cake!

Becky and her boys!

Granny with her 6 grandkids
Mark, Mike and Carol with all the kids hot tubbing

Visiting Grandpa Stanley

Josie and Jack with Auntie Millie

Matthew and Josie with Auntie Helen and Meow Meow

Uncle Joey and Matthew

Ron and the kids on the Pirate Ship at Yankee Candle Company

Josie in the Bavarian Village at Yankee Candle

On the flight home - Jack loved having his own seat this trip - and so did we!
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