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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Jack on the go........

Jack is really getting the hang of moving around - and finally is getting his big belly off the ground in attempt to crawl! It's super exciting, and we do family time in his bedroom (carpet) as we all encourage the big guy to get moving!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jack and Josie - Just the Facts

Today we went to the Doctors for Josie's 3 year appointment, and Jack's 6 month appointment. Josie weighed in at 29lbs (50%), and 37.5 inches (50%) - she's a little pip-squeak! Now, Jack is a little different....Jack is 18lbs, 13oz (75%) and 28.25inches (95%).
Yes, Jack weighs the same weight at 6 months that Josie did at 1 yr old!

Josie's Birthday Party

Let the grubbing begin! We had sweet and sour meatballs, teriyaki chicken, bbq chicken, mac and cheese, chips and pasta salad!

Dora and her Pegasus - Josie's afraid of the Pegasus because it walks on its own.

Her new Dora chair

Everyone's favorite - the Sit and Spin

And a Dora shirt!

Beauty and the Beast (Belle) themed cake....we tried....

Hair pulled back...we successfully blew out the candles!

Josie's Actual Birthday Night

Happy 3rd Birthday Miss Josephine!
She opened a couple presents that Granny sent.
...the book "Twinkle Toes"...
A cool lined red sweatsuit!
And here is where the trouble began....excited 3 yr old - burning candles......see video below.

I think we could title this - "How NOT to teach your child to blow out candles" - no child was harmed in the making of this film.......

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Night

Luckily the rain stopped for all the kids to go trick or treating. Turnout seemed a little low this year despite the dry weather.
Here is SuperJack and Ron on the way out of the yard.

Our first stop at Neighbors Larry and Kathie's. Jack wasn't too excited about the new surroundings. (See Uncle Eddie, it's not just you that makes Jack cry!)

Jack figured out this Trick Or Treat thing really quick - by our 3rd house (Neighbor Ron's) he was already diggin' in the chocolate!

Josie showing off her loot.

And later in the evening, Jack was showing off his laughing skills.