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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Summertime Fun

Josie earned her bunk bed in August!

Aunty Lil, Uncle Dave, Alex, Jenn and Conner came to visit
Alex jumping off the dock
The few warm days we had, lots of friends gathered at the Lake

Marla chillaxing

Jack laughing...
Josie on the slip and slide
Hanging on our bike, trike, and scooter!

At the Diamond Club @ Safeco Field
2nd Row Seats!
Josie at Farm Birthday Party
Holding a Bunny
Feeding the chickens
Cowgirl Josie riding a horse
Labor Day Week at Lake Chelan with friends Allen and Rosy

Lots of new playgrounds to explore!

Jack loved jumping into the pool - sometimes when we weren't even looking!

A nice view from our place!

Breakfast at Blueberry Hill

Sherman Family Feet - Lake Chelan
Allen & Rosy