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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Walnut Creek, CA Visit

Friday Morning Breakfast at Casa de Carlin

Galumpki 101 - By Mary Ann

Deb & Sharon's Galumpki Gallery
Cooking by Jack Daniels
Moving on to Pierogi making
Jan & Robin taste the pierogies

Deb and Jack by the pool

Ron, Josie, Robin and Jack by the hot tub

Celebrating Peter's 65th Birthday
Polish Kielbasa - catching on to the Polish theme yet?
Deb & Josie dancing
Saturday AM trip to the Jelly Belly Factory

Josie getting her hat on ready to take the tour

Josie and Robin - on the train ride to the pumpkin patch

Jack and Ron on the bales of hay
Josie had a blast climbing around on the hay too!
......and in the jumpy house.......
.....and doing the bean bag toss.....
Granny, Josie and Carol - 3 generations.....
The Hipwaders Band - awewsome!

On the train, heading back.....

Sharon and Deb
Josie at Robin and Barry's house Sat. night

Jack and Christine playing toss the pillow
The kids on the flight home - they did AWESOME after such a busy weekend!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Maris Farms - Happy Fall!

Josie loves to jump!

Mt Rainier
Lil' Pumpkins
Walking by the corn maze...

Carol & Jack
Josie & Carol
Ron & Jack
Ron and the kids heading back to the farm

Happy Fall - from the Sherman Family