We golfed a round at Washington National course - it's the Univ. of Wash's golf course. It's absolutely beautiful!
Here is Ron teeing off with Mt Rainier in the background (behind the trees - takes a trained eye to spot Rainier some times - it blends in with the clouds).

I hadn't been out golfing in a couple of years, but managed to par a few of the holes! I might not hit hard, but I hit straight, and sometimes, that's all you need!

Every golf cart is named after a UW great! We got the Hutch cart!

I think this was my second tee shot at this hole. First one got wet!

The club house......all purple for UW

I think Ron was using his Youklis swing on this one

Man, they love their sands traps - it's not just a little trap, and they are very deep! From experience, I can say some are even hard to climb out of!